Today’s Mortgage Rates & Trends, May 6, 2022

30-Year, 15-Year Continue Falling

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The average 30-year mortgage dropped to its lowest point in a week, continuing to slip down from its recent peak.

The average on a conventional 30-year fixed mortgage fell to 5.77% from 5.88% the previous business day. Last month it reached 6.19%, its highest point since at least 2019, and likely much farther back. (Our daily mortgage rate data only goes back to April 2021, but our data on yearly highs and lows dates back to 2020, so we know rates weren’t higher in 2020, and if other measures are any indicator, may have hit theirhighest point in over a decade.)

15年抵押贷款的平均利率跌至4.97% from 5.07% the previous business day. Its recent peak was 5.26%, also the highest since at least 2019.

Fixed mortgage rates tend to track the direction of10-year Treasury yields, which usually rise with heightened inflation fears (and fall when those fears subside). Yields have generally spiked over the last two months—albeit with some up-and-down days—asinflationand the Federal Reserve’seffort to lower it with higher interest rateshave intensified.On Wednesday, the Fed announced a second rate hike of a half percentage point to its benchmark fed funds rate, double the size of its first increase in March.

During the pandemic, relatively low rates bolstered buying power, allowing house hunters to buy more expensive homes with thesame monthly budgetand helping to fuel afiercely competitiveresidential real estate boom characterized by rapidly rising prices. But now that interest rates have spiked, the cost is increasinglyputting homes out of reach for prospective buyers.Freddie Mac’s weekly measure of the average 30-year rate is at its highest point since 2009, though it's still relatively low compared to the double-digits of the 1980s and early 1990s.


抵押贷款利率,利率贷款,等ing to depend on your credit score, with lower rates going to people with better scores, all else being equal. The rates shown reflect the average offered by more than 200 of the country’s top lenders, assuming the borrower has a FICO credit score of 700-759 (within the “good” or “very good” range) and aloan-to-value ratioof 80%. They also assume the borrower doesn’t purchase anymortgage or “discount” points. Other measures of rates may differ because they assume that the borrowerdoespurchase points or has a higher credit score. These measures may also track the lowest possible rate advertised (rather than the average,) or reflect data collected once a week rather than daily.

Borrowers pay discount points, or upfront fees, to obtain a lower interest rate, spending more initially to save in the long run. Whether or not you should pay points depends on how long you plan to keep the loan. Here’show to calculate that.

30-Year Mortgage Rates Drop

A 30-year fixed mortgage is by far the most common type of mortgage because it offers aconsistent and relatively low monthly payment. (Shorter-term fixed mortgages have higher payments because the borrowed money is paid back more quickly.)

Besides conventional 30-year mortgages, some arebacked by the Federal Housing Authorityor theDepartment of Veterans Affairs. FHA loans offer borrowers with lower credit scores or a smaller down payment a better deal than they might otherwise get; VA loans let current or past members of the military and their families skip a down payment.

  • 30-year fixed: The average rate fell to 5.77%, down from 5.88% the previous business day. A week ago, it was also 5.88%. For every $100,000 borrowed, monthly payments would cost about $584.84, or $7.02 less than a week ago.
  • 30-year fixed (FHA): The average rate fell to 5.56%, down from 5.74% the previous business day. A week ago, it was 5.82%. For every $100,000 borrowed, monthly payments would cost about $571.56, or $16.47 less than a week ago.
  • 30-year fixed (VA): The average rate fell to 5.46%, down from 5.76% the previous business day. A week ago, it was 5.85%. For every $100,000 borrowed, monthly payments will cost about $565.28, or $24.66 less than a week ago.


低利率可以减少你每月支付,但我t can also give you more buying power, something you’ll want if you’re considering jumping into this fiercely competitive real estate market. For example, at 4% on a 30-year mortgage, your payments for a $380,000 home would be about $2,069 a month, assuming a 20% down payment, typical homeowners’ insurance costs, and property taxes. If you lock in a rate at 3.5%, though, you’ll have about the same monthly payment for a $397,500 home. To do the math specific to your situation, use our mortgage calculator below.

15-Year Mortgage Rate Declines

The major advantage of a 15-year fixed mortgageis that it offers a lower interest rate than the 30-year and you’re paying off your loan more quickly, so your total borrowing costs are far lower. But for the same reason—that the loan is paid back over a shorter time frame—the monthly payments will be higher.

  • 15-year fixed: The average rate fell to 4.97%, down from 5.07% the previous business day. A week ago, it was 4.94%. For every $100,000 borrowed, monthly payments would cost about $789.23, or $1.56 more than a week ago.


Besides fixed-rate mortgages, there areadjustable-rate mortgages(ARMs), where rates change based on a benchmark index tied to Treasury bonds or other interest rates. Most adjustable-rate mortgages are actually hybrids, where the rate is fixed for a period of time and then adjusted periodically. For example, a common type of ARM is a5/1 loan, which has a fixed rate for five years (the “5” in “5/1”) and is then adjusted every one year (the “1”).

Jumbo Mortgage Rates Fall or Hold Steady

Jumbo loans, which allow you to borrow bigger amounts for more expensive properties, tend to have slightly higher interest rates than loans for more standard amounts. Jumbo means over the limit thatFannie MaeandFreddie Macare willing to buy from lenders, and that limit went up in 2022. For a single-family home, it’s now $647,200 (except in Hawaii, Alaska, and a few federally designated high-cost markets, where the limit is $970,800).

  • Jumbo 30-year fixed: The average rate fell to 5.02% from 5.15% the previous business day.A week ago, it was 4.90%. For every $100,000 borrowed, monthly payments would cost about $538.04, or $7.31 more than a week ago.
  • Jumbo 15-year fixed: The average rate was 5.02%, the same as the previous business day. A week ago, it was 4.77%. For every $100,000 borrowed, monthly payments would cost about $791.84, or $12.98 more than a week ago.

Refinance Rates Fall

Refinancing an existing mortgage tends to be slightly more expensive than getting a new one, especially in a low-rate environment.

  • 30-year fixed: The average rate to refinance fell to 6.05% from 6.24% the previous business day. A week ago, it was 6.08%. For every $100,000 borrowed, monthly payments would cost about $602.77, or $1.93 less than a week ago.
  • 15-year fixed:The average rate to refinance fell to 5.21% from 5.26% the previous business day. A week ago, it was 5.11%. For every $100,000 borrowed, monthly payments would cost about $801.78, or $5.24 more than a week ago.


Our rates for “today” reflect national averages provided by more than 200 of the country's top lenders one business day ago, and the “previous” is the rate provided the business day before that. Similarly, the week earlier references compare the data from five business days earlier (so bank holidays are excluded.) The rates assume a loan-to-value ratio of 80% and a borrower with a FICO credit score of 700 to 759—within the “good” to “very good” range. They’re representative of the rates customers would see in actual quotes from lenders, based on their qualifications, and may vary from advertised teaser rates.

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Additional research by David Rubin
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  1. CNBC. “US 10-Year Treasury.”

  2. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “Implementation Note Issued May 4, 2022.”

  3. Freddie Mac. “Mortgage Rates.”

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